Lance Fahy has been a working musician in the Lawrence area since 1997.  He has composed and recorded several albums of original songs on guitar and vocals as well as percussion and diatonic button accordion.  He performs live regularly both as a solo artist and supporting bands.  Lance has taught private lessons with a focus on the unique characteristics and learning needs of each student.

Lance is visually impaired from birth and although he was taught to read printed music has learned mostly by ear.  He began his musical journey with piano lessons at age 6.  He soon discovered the guitar and quickly learned how to play along with his favorite rock songs.  In high school, Lance joined the marching band on bass drum and started his first rock band.  Lance is a graduate of Emporia State University with a bachelors degree in communication.  He participated in ESU basketball pep band on electric guitar as well as marching and symphonic bands on percussion.  He also performed with the alternative rock band Zen Farmers during this time as song writer, guitarist, and providing backing vocals.

Lance has raised 3 children who each have a unique set of musical experiences and knowledge.  As a teacher, Lance is especially interested in working with the blind or visually impaired community.  He has experience with all ages can help with all levels of learning on guitar.  Songwriting and percussion are areas where Lance would like to grow as a teacher and support the creativity and passion for music in our community.

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